Build Process Settings

Java Home

Self-contained applications must be packaged with the JDK version of the JRE, not the stand-alone JRE. (On Windows, you probably have both installed if you have the JDK installed.) If you try to use the JRE version, you will get the error message “jvm.dll not found”. By default the plugin use the JAVA_HOME to choose the JDK.

Default: System.getProperty(“java.home”)

Individual Java Home

  javaFxJavaHome := "/path/to/individual/java/home"

Ant JavaFx Jar

You can set an individual path to ant-javafx.jar. The plugin checks if the file exists. If the file is not available at the specified location, then the plugin downloads the ant-javafx.jar from our Github repository.

Default: System.getProperty(“java.home”) + “/lib/ant-javafx.jar”

  javaFxAntPath := "/path/to/individual/ant-javafx.jar"

Log Build Output to Console

To debug the packaging process, set javaFxVerbose := true in your build.sbt file. Default the value is false

Java-only application

If the JavaFx application does not use Scala classes then the option javaFxJavaOnly := true can be set. This option excludes the Scala Standard Jars and the package will be slightly smaller at the end.

Artifact Name

Pattern: artifact.value.name_scalaVersion.value-projectID.value.revision Default: my_javafx_application_2.12.8-1.0.2

javaFxArtifactName := List(Some(, Some("_" + scalaVersion.value), Some("-" + projectID.value.revision)).flatten.mkString

Convert CSS to binary

Used to convert CSS files to binary format for faster processing. See also Oracle JavaFX documentation

javaFxCssToBin := true

Post Process

After successfully building the application, you can run an individual post process, e.g. create a zip file or copy the generated files somewhere…


def postProcess(): Unit = {
  println("do something")

javaFxPostProcess := postProcess

Template Settings

Template to preprocess. A template is an HTML file that contains markers to be replaced with the JavaScript or HTML snippets that are required for web deployment. Using templates enables you to deploy your application directly into your own web pages. This simplifies the development process, especially when the application is tightly integrated with the page, for example when the web page uses JavaScript to communicate to the application.

“javafx” is the name of

javaFxTemplate := TemplateSettings(Some(new sbt.File("src/templates/EmbedApp_template.html")),Some(new sbt.File("dest/templates/EmbedApp_template.html")))