Platform Settings
Defines application platform requirements. Oracle JavaFX documentation
Minimum JavaFX
Minimum version of JavaFX required by the application. Oracle JavaFX documentation
javaFxJavafx := Some("8.0")
Minimum JRE
Minimum version of JRE required by the application. Oracle JavaFX documentation
javaFxJ2se := Some("8.0")
JVA Args
The JVM argument to be set in the JVM, where the application is executed. Oracle JavaFX documentation
javaFxJvmargs ++= Seq("-Xmx64g", "-Dorg.apache.deltaspike.ProjectStage=Production")
JVM User Args
The user overridable JVM argument to be set in the JVM, where the application is executed. Oracle JavaFX documentation
javaFxJvmuserargs += "-Xmx" -> "768m"
Optional element and can be used multiple times. Java property to be set in the JVM where the application is executed. Oracle JavaFX documentation
javaFxProperties += "mySpecialKey" -> "Sample Value"