Signing Settings

Digitally signs an application JAR file with a certificate.

Signs the JAR file as BLOB. In other words, instead of every entry being signed separately, the JAR file is signed as a single binary object.

This is a new signing method in JavaFX. For traditional signing, the standard Ant signjar task should be used. See: Oracle JavaFX documentation


import com.quadstingray.sbt.javafx.model.Permissions
javaFxPermissions := Permissions(elevated = true, cacheCertificates = false)


Keystore file name

javaFxKeyStore := Some("path/to/keystore")

Store Password

Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore

javaFxStorePass := Some("somepassword")

Signing Alias

The alias for the key

javaFxSigningAlias := Some("alias")


Password for the private key

javaFxSigningKeyPass := Some("somekeypass")

Keystore type

javaFxSigningKeyStoreType := Some("jks")